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Symposium „Interdisciplinary perspectives on Unaccompanied Minor Refugees. The impact of ethnic identity, perceived discrimination and trauma-related childhood experiences“

Dr. rer. med. Susan Sierau
PD Dr. P.H. Heide Glaesmer
Dr. rer. med. Yuriy Nesterko

Because of war related conflicts around the globe the number of unaccompanied or separated minor refugees arriving in western high-income countries has increased significantly over the last years. This group of refugee children and adolescents is at high risk of becoming mentally ill, and therefore has special needs for social care and psychological support, including assistance with integration in the host country. Research has shown that unaccompanied minor refugees have often been subjected to discrimination and have often experienced difficult developmental or even traumatizing experiences before, during and after the flight. In this light, much more detailed research on the adjustment process of unaccompanied minor refugees is needed. There are great efforts to improve interdisciplinary collaboration and to establish effective prevention approaches to enhance different protective factors, as well as adapting intervention strategies to the needs of traumatized children, with special respect to unaccompanied minor refugees. At the symposium „Interdisciplinary perspectives on Unaccompanied Minor Refugees – The impact of ethnic identity, perceived discrimination and trauma-related childhood experiences“ the state-of-the-art research in this field was presented and current and future research foci as well as practical implications were discussed.

The READER gives an insight in the program, the different contributions and some outcomes of the symposium.

Please cite the reader as follows:
Sierau, S., Nesterko, Y., & Glaesmer, H. (Eds.) (2018). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Unaccompanied Minor Refugees. Conference reader.,postext,projekte-psychotraumatologie/migration,a_id,8457.html.

28th and 29th of September 2017

Conference Centre of Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, Germany


Project number:

4/2017 – 12/2017

Philipp-Rosenthal-Str. 55, Haus W
04103 Leipzig
0341 - 97 18800
Wiss. Sekretariat:
0341 - 97 18803
0341 - 97 15419