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Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural therapy based self‐help versus treatment as usual for depression in adults and adolescents

Forschungsgruppe E-Mental Health und Cochrane Meta-Analysen
Research Group E-Mental Health and Cochrane meta-analysis

Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Rummel-Kluge (, Megi Mamukashvili, Nicole Koburger


The Cochrane review "Behavioural and cognitive‐behavioural therapy based self‐help versus treatment as usual for depression in adults and adolescents" has the following objectives:

To examine the effects of CBT/behavioural therapy‐based self‐help in comparison with treatment as usual/waiting‐list/attention placebo/psychological placebo control conditions for depression in adults and adolescents, and in particular to examine the effects of CBT/behavioural therapy‐based self‐help on:

  • depressive symptomatology and overall symptoms;
  • quality of life;
  • suicide prevention; and
  • potential economic benefit

Laufzeit: 2015 - aktuell

Semmelweisstraße 10, Haus 13
04103 Leipzig
0341 - 97 24530
0341 - 97 24304
0341 - 97 24539