News | NUM 3.0: Kick-Off-Sessions zu neuen Forschungsthemen | 26.07.2024
Am 30.06.2025 endet die aktuelle Förderphase des NUM. Deswegen
beginnt jetzt die Vorbereitung auf die geplante nächste Förderphase. Das
Verfahren zur Entwicklung von Projektskizzen für kooperative
Forschungsprojekte im Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM) startet am
Montag, den 1. Juli 2024 im Kooperationsportal des NUM Hub.
An diesem Tag finden virtuelle Kick-Off-Sessions zu den jeweiligen neuen Forschungsthemen statt.
Die kooperativen Projektideen für Forschungsprojekte sollen in 6 Calls in sogenannten Themenräumen im NUM Hub entwickelt werden.
Kurze Information zu den Themenräumen 1 – 6
1 | Additions to and improvements of current NUM research (data) infrastructures
The NUM currently operates several research (data) infrastructures
with a variety of purposes. These are AKTIN@NUM, GenSurv, NUKLEUS,
RACOON, NUM-RDP, NUM-DIZ, NATON 2.0. This call deals with the
improvement and further development of the NUM infrastructures listed
above. These research (data) infrastructures need to be continually
improved and expanded in order to best serve the needs of clinical
researchers. To this end, the NUM funds additional research projects for
infrastructure development outside of the base funding of NUM
infrastructures. This serves the purpose to open up participation in
infrastructure development projects to the entire NUM community, not
only to those who are already operating NUM infrastructures.
| Two additional specialist networks for clinical studies, including
new clinical and/or clinical-epidemiological studies, beyond infectious
The NUM is in the process of setting up a generic clinical study
network as well as a specialist network on infectious diseases. In the
new funding period, te latter should be complemented by two more
specialist networks. These specialist networks are comprised by
clinicians and clinical staff in the respective research fields, who are
responsible for drafting and implementing study protocols and
recruiting patients within the respective specialist area.
3 | New clinical and clinical-epidemiological studies (incl. platform trial) on infectious diseases
The NUM is in the process of setting up a generic clinical study
network and various specialist clinical study networks. This call aims
to identify clinical trials, clinical-epidemiological studies or
platform trials in the field of infectious diseases to strengthen the
NUM clinical study network in general and as part of a rapid response
capability to public health crises.
4 | Setting up new registries in the NUM
This call is aimed at identifying new registries that should be
established specifically in the NUM (as opposed to other contexts) on
NUM (data) infrastructures, to enrich and take advantage of the NUM
ecosystem. Any potential registry must directly support patient-oriented
and potentially practice-changing research and/or public health
(crises) management.
5| Research project(s) for the autopsy data platform
The infrastructure project NUM National Autopsy Network (NATON) is a
Germany-wide network of university hospitals and autopsy centres that
serves to gain systematic and standardised data and intelligence about
pathogens from autopsies. The aim is to provide comprehensive and
joined-up data for research across the NUM network. This call serves the
purpose of identifying at least one research project (use case) that
uses the autopsy data platform and ideally contributes to improving it
6 | Research project(s) for the imaging data platform
The infrastructure project Radiological Cooperative Network (RACOON) ,
a nationwide imaging data platform, supports the structured real-time
collection, evaluation and provision of radiological data. This call
aims to identify at least one research project (use case) that uses the
imaging data platform and ideally contributes to improving it further.
Registrierung NUM Hub
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registriert sein. Sollten Sie noch nicht im NUM Hub registriert sein,
sollten Sie sich bereits jetzt im NUM Hub anmelden.
Sie können sich hier jederzeit für den NUM Hub registrieren und den Newsletter zum NUM allgemein abonnieren.
Weitere Informationen und den aktuellen Zeitplan bekommen Sie hier | Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin | 26.06.2024