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Childhood obesity - Antje Körner


Current group members

Prof. Dr. med. Antje Körner
Group leader

​Background:​Pediatric endocrinologist
​Research interest:​Childhood obesity and associated complications
​Time period:​Since 2002
​Telephone:​+49/(0)341 - 97 26500
​Fax:​+49/(0)341 - 97 26069


Antje Körner has been named as the 2024 recipient of the Obesity Prize for Excellence. Inspiring video that highlights her innovative research.​

​Dr. rer. nat. Kathrin Landgraf

​Research interest:​Adipose tissue development
​Time period:​Since 2009
​Telephone:​+49/(0)341 - 97 26507
​ ​​

​Antje Berthold
Lab assistant

​Background:​Lab technician
​Time period:​Since 1998
​Telephone:​+49/(0)341 - 97 26508 or 26526


Vivien Teßmar

Lab assistant

​Background:​Lab technician
​Time period:​Since 2021
​Telephone:​+49/(0)341 - 97 26508 or 26526

​Dr. med. Robert Stein

Trial physi​cian



Research interest:

Childhood obesity and its endocrinological / cardiovascular consequences

Time period:

​Since 2018


​+49/(0)341 - 97 26537



M.Sc. Martha Hanschkow
PhD student

​Background:​Biophysicist and Biochemist
​Research interest:​Adipose tissue development
​Time period:​Since 2018
​Telephone:​+49/(0)341 - 97 26508

Foto_Piotrowski_IMG_2371-Auswahl.jpg     ​
​Dr. rer. biol. hum. Katja Piotrowski

Project coordinator

​Background:​Nutritional scientist
​Research interest:​Obesity and associated complications
​Time period:Since 2022
​Telephone:​+49/(0)341 - 97 26100
Foto_Eric Göpel_27.2.24.JPGDr. med. Eric Göpel

Trial physician

​Research interest:Genetics of Childhood Obesity
​Time period:Since 2023
​Telephone:​+49/(0)341 - 97 20465
​​​​​Dr. med. Klara Meyer

Trial physician

​Research interest:​Regulators of Obesity 
​Time period:Since 2021
​Telephone:​+49/(0)341 - 97 26539​

Dr. Shengjun​ Hong

Background: ​​Bioinformatician/Computational          biologist​

Research        Biomedical Data Science​

interest: ​

​Time period:   Since 2023


Christina.JPGM.Sc. Christina Zeitler

PhD student

​Research interest:Adipose tissue development
​Time period:Since 2023
​Telephone:​​+49/(0)341 - 97 26508

MD students

Oscar.jpg​Oscar Karges
MD student

Research interest: Adipose tissue development and Childhood obesity

Paula Boczki
MD student

Research interest: Adipose tissue development


Natascha Dörr
MD student

Research interest: Childhood obesity, Transition Medicine



Johannes Riedel
MD student

Research interest: Childhood obesity, Transition Medicine



Chiara Hammel
MD student

Research interest: Lifetime / Age Dynamics of Fasting Indices​


​Lea Prengemann
MD student

Research interests: Glucose-Insulin Metabolism of SGA Children 

​Falk Bernhard
MD student

Research interest: Regulators of adipocyte differentiation

​Tobias Drechsler
MD student

Research interest: Circadian rhythm-dependent expression of CLOCK genes

​Julia Bielitz
MD student

Research interest: Effect of excercise on circulating adipocytokines in obese children

​Christin Melchior
MD student

Research interest: MC4R genotyping on obese children

​Denis Gutmann
MD student

Research interest: Diurnal alterations of adipocytokines in obesity

Helene Dunzendorfer
MD student

Research interest: Brown adipose tissue development

​Sarah Abdul Majeed
MD student

Research interest: Adipose tissue development


Former group members

  • ​​Christian Degen (Master thesis)
  • Tina Ullrich (Diploma thesis)
  • Daniela Friebe (PhD thesis)
  • Manon Kraus (Diploma thesis)
  • Dr. rer. nat. Dennis Löffler (Post-Doc)
  • Denise Rockstroh (PhD thesis)
  • Ariane Strobach (Master thesis)
  • Dr. med. Julian Schwartze (Post-Doc and trial physician)
  • Kathrin Scheuermann (Study coordinator​)
  • Dr. med. Maria Schlanstein (Post-Doc and trial physician)
  • Dr. Ph.D. Juraj ​Stanik (Post-Doc)
  • Dr. me​d. Jo Ana Schunter
  • Dr. me​d. Jo Ana Schunter
  • Dr. med. Moritz Schreier
  • Dr. med. Agnes Kalenda​
  • Dr. med. Jan Windholz
  • Dr. med. Franiska Voigtmann 
  • Dr. med. Susanne Behrendt
  • Mandy Geserick (PhD thesis)
  • Dipl. troph. Ulrike Spielau
  • Elena Kempf (PhD thesis)
  • Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Kühnapfel (Post-Doc)
  • Dr. Marco Colombo (Post-Doc)​​

Liebigstraße 20a, Haus 6
04103 Leipzig
0341 - 97 26242
0341 - 97 26229