StartNotizbuchZuletzt verwendetWebsiteinhaltePressemitteilungenSuchergebnisseSuchergebnisse Alle SeitenPublikationenBereich RheumatologieBereich EndokrinologieWichtige RufnummernHinweise für BewerberVeranstaltungenÜberweisungen, Notfälle und VerlegungenSchwerpunkteKlinische StudienKooperationen (alphabetisch)Research Group Halbritter - NephrogeneticsOberarzt PD Dr. med. Jan HalbritterFachärztliche WeiterbildungLehre & WeiterbildungRund um die NiereDie NiereDepartment of Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology HomeWe introduce ourselves Division of EndokrinologyDivision of NephrologyLecturesImportant numbersCurrently selectedJob CandidatesPublicationsEmergency ServicesProjectsClinical ResearchCare of patients Division of Endokrinology Division of Nephrology Division of Rheumatology (Only in German) Research Projects Clinical Research Publications Students Job candidates Home Facilities & Clinics About us It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. German Department of Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology You are here: Department of Endocrinology, Nephrology, Rheumatology Important numbers Seiteninhalt ObenEndokrinology Secretary Chief:Prof. Dr. Michael StumvollPhone:0049 341 - 97 13380Fax:0049 341 - 97 NephrologySecretary Chief:Prof. Dr. Tom H. LindnerPhone:0049 341 - 97 13350Fax:0049 341 - 97 RheumatologySecretary Chief:Prof. Dr. Christoph BaerwaldPhone:0049 341 - 97 24710Fax:0049 341 - 97 WardsEndocrinology / Diabetes Ward F02/2 located at Liebigstr. 20, House 4 (2nd floor)Attending physician:PD Dr. Anke Tönjes, PD Dr. Wiebke Kristin FenskePhone:0049 341 - 97 12860Fax:0049 341 - 97 12869 Nephrology Ward G02/1 located at Liebigstr. 20, House 4 (2nd floor)Attending physician:Prof. Dr. Tom Lindner, PD Dr. Jan HalbritterPhone:0049 341 - 97 13333Fax:0049 341 - 97 13349 Dialysis Located at Liebigstr. 20, House 4 (Basement)Attending physician:Prof. Dr. Tom LindnerPhone:0049 341 - 97 13174Fax:0049 341 - 97 13189 Liebigstraße 20, Haus 4 04103 Leipzig Telefon: 0341 - 97 13380 Fax: 0341 - 97 13389 E-Mail: 7nach oben