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Serotonin-Ttransporter-availability in patients with depressive disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders

​Research staff

PD. Dr. Katarina Stengler, PD Dr. P. Schönknecht, K. Nägler, Dr. E. Hammerstein, Prof. U. Hegerl

Cooperation partner


Medical Faculty


Primary objectives:

In vivo quantification of the central SERT-availability in neuropsychiatric diseases: SERT-Distributions-Volume and bonding potential

Secondary objectives:

  • Correlation between the occurence of the according clinical syndrom and the activity of the serotonerg system
  • Description of differences in consideration to the serotonerg system between patients and healthy people and patients with different disorders (specification and subtyping) among each other

Study design

open, monocentric diagnostic study, in cross-section with untreated patients compared to healthy control persons and patients with related mental disorders

Semmelweisstr. 10, Haus 13
04103 Leipzig
0341 - 97 24530 (Chefsekretariat)
0341 - 97 24304
0341 - 97 24539