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About us

Pregnancy and childbirth are a wonderful and unforgettable time of your life. We can provide constant support so that you feel safe and at ease throughout this period. Our top-tier perinatal centre comprises the Departments of Obstetrics and Neonatology.

You and your child can benefit from all of the energy and experience we have amassed over the years. We set great store by a family-oriented and individualised approach to obstetrics. We will listen to your own personal expectations and wishes, and can guarantee high standards of medical safety.

Our team of experts will be standing by to offer help and support should any problems or complications arise during your pregnancy. If your unborn child is in poor health or difficulties occur during pregnancy or delivery, you can expect the highest possible level of medical care available today. This includes specialist staff, modern equipment, and a bed in a maximum-care hospital where your needs can best be met.

Our interdisciplinary team is dedicated to ensuring that your pregnancy and the birth of your child are a very special period in your life which will be the source of many happy memories.

Liebigstraße 20a, Haus 6
04103 Leipzig
+49 341 - 97 23595
+49 341 - 97 23611
+49 341 - 97 23599