A wide range of training and further training options, plannable working hours, fair payment
Top medical performance, outstanding research, excellent care – the University of Leipzig Medical Center (UKL). Maximum care? Optimal care? Both, of course! 5,741 staff members deliver first-class work around the clock – for the best-possible care of our patients.
As a public employer in a vibrant region, we place value on a corporate culture that emphasises co-operation. Pioneering specialisation, perfectly trained teams, state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge architecture ensure optimal working conditions.
Medicine at the heart of the city means: at ease in your job! And more besides: at ease with yourself! Medicine at the heart of the city is all encompassing. This includes a wide range of training and further training options, plannable working hours, fair payment and social facilities such as workplace kindergartens.
More from life
Leipzig can look back on a long tradition as a cultural and trading metropolis. Leipzig is cosmopolitan, welcoming and modern: from A for Auenwald to Z for zoo, the city offers numerous destinations for excursions as well as restaurants, bars and cafés, cultural and educational institutions. The enormous bathing lakes at the edges of the city are a symbol of the high quality of life. No wonder that the population of Leipzig has grown continuously in recent years. 600,000 people now live in the city.