Publikationen des Instituts für Med. Mikrobiologie und Virologie, Fachbereich VIROLOGIE




  • Schnabel I, Schneitler S, Schüttoff T, Trawinski H, Lübbert C, Jassoy C

    Diagnostic Specificity of Two Dengue Virus IgG ELISAs after Yellow Fever and Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccination​
    Trop Med Infect Dis., 2022 Dec 22;8(1):7​, PMID: 36668914​​

  • Jassoy C, Biemann R, Hönemann M
    Low BAU/ml values with 4 of 5 SARS CoV-2 spike-specific monoclonal antibodies in the Roche Elecsys antibody assay​
    Journal of Virological Methods 321 (2023) 114786
  • Derbie A, M​​ekonnen D, Misgan E, Maier M, Woldeamanuel  Y, Abebe T, ​(2023). Acceptance of human papillomavirus vaccination and parents´willingness to vaccinate their adolescents in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Infectious Agents and Cancer, 18:59
  • Schulz J, Schilling E, Fabian C, Zenclussen AC, Stojanovska V, Claus C. 
    Dissecting Rubella Placental Infection in an In Vitro Trophoblast Model. 
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(9):7894.​
  • Henschke V, Hild K, Schilling E, Haas J, Filipova V, Erbe S, König R, 
    Hübschen JM, Laufs U, Claus C*, Boeckel JN*. Rubella virus infection in endothelial cells reduces angiogenesis via interferon beta-induced CXCL10. 
    iScience. 2023;26(4):106352. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106352
    *Shared authorship 
  • ​Jung M, Hartmann C, Ehrhardt T, Peter LM, Abid CL, Harwardt B, Hirschfeld J, Claus C, Haferkamp U, Pless O, Nastainczyk-Wulf M, Kehlen A, Schlote D, Schroder IS, Rujescu D. Generation of a set of induced pluripotent stem cell lines from two Alzheimer disease patients carrying APOE4 (MLUi007-J; MLUi008-A) and healthy old donors carrying APOE3 (MLUi009-A; MLUi010-B) to study APOE in aging and ​disease.
    Stem Cell Res. 2023;69:103072. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2023.103072
  • ​Kiros M, Tefera DA , Andualem H , Geteneh A , Tesfaye A , Woldemichael TS, Kidane E, Alemayehu DH , Maier M, Mihret A, Abegaz WE, Mulu A     level of HIV-1C integrase strand transfer inhibitor resistance mutations among recently diagnosed ART-naive Ethiopians​
    Scientific Reports. 2023 13(1). Doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-33850-4​
  • Hönemann M, Thiem S, Bergs S, Berthold T, Propach C, Siekmeyer M, Fille A, Wallborn T, Maier M, Pietsch C    In-Depth Analysis of the Re-Emergence of Respiratory Syncytial Virus at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Germany in the Summer of 2021 after the Alleviation of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions Due to the SARS-CoV-2-Pandemic
    ​Viruses. 2023 15(4). Doi: 10.3390/v15049877​
  • High-risk human papillomavirus genotype distribution among women with gynecology complaints in northwest Ethiopia
    Infect Agent Cancer. 2023 Jan 27;18(1):4. Doi: 10.1186/s13027-023-​00481-3
    *geteilte Erstautorenschaft​​
  • Derbie A, Mekonnen D, Nibret E, Misgan E, Maier M, Woldeamanuel Y, 
    Abebe T   Cervical cancer in Ethiopia: a review of the literature
    Cancer Causes Control. 2023 Jan;34(1):1-11. doi: 10.1007/s10552-022-01638-y​
  • ​Tassachew Y, Belyhun Y, Abebe T, Mihret A, Teffera T, Ababi G, Shewaye A, Desalegn H, Aseffa A, Mulu A, Howe R, Liebert UG, Maier M   Magn​​itude and genotype of hepatitis delta virus among chronic hepatitis B carriers with a spectrum of liver diseases in Ethiopia​
    Ann Hepatol. 2023 Jan-Feb;28(1):100770. doi: 10.1016/j.aohep.2022.100770​




  • Gelaw A, Pietsch C, Tigabu Z, Liebert UG (2020). Genotyping of enteroviruses and human parechoviruses highlights their diversity in Northwest Ethiopia. J Med Virol 92:12, 3007-3015
  • Pietsch C, Michalski D, Münch J, Petros S, Bergs S, Trawinski H, Lübbert C, Liebert UG (2020). Autochthonous West Nile virus infection outbreak in humans, Leipzig, Germany, August to September 2020​.​ Eurosurv; 25:46
  • Schnurra C, Reiners N, Biemann R, Kaiser TH, Trawinski H, Jassoy C, Comparison
    of the diagnostic sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein and glycoprotein-based antibody tests, J Clin Virol 2020​​
  • Dunker S, Hornick T, Szczepankiewicz G, Maier M, Bastl M, Bumberger J, Treudler R, Liebert UG, Simon. JC, No SARS-CoV-2 detected in air samples (pollen and particulate matter) in Leipzig during the first spread, Sci Total Environ. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142881, PMID: 33097263 
  • Kiros M, Alemayehu DH, Geberekidan E, Mihret A, Maier M, Abegaz WE, Mulu A (2020) Increased HIV-1 pretreatment drug resistance with consistent clade homogeneity among ART-naive HIV-1 infected individuals in Ethiopia. Retrovirology. 2020 Sep 29;17(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s12977-020-00542-0, PMID: 3299369
  • Chua RL, Lukassen S, Trump S, Hennig BP, Wendisch D, Pott F, Debnath O, Thürmann L, Kurth F, Völker MT, Kazmierski J, Timmermann B, Twardziok S, Schneider S, Machleidt F, Müller-Redetzky H, Maier M, Krannich A, Schmidt S, Balzer F, Liebig J, Loske J, Suttorp N, Eils J, Ishaque N, Liebert UG, von Kalle C, Hocke A, Witzenrath M, Goffinet C, Drosten C, Laudi S, Lehmann I, Conrad C, Sander LE (2020) COVID-19 severity correlates with airway epithelium-immune cell interactions identified by single-cell analysis, Eils R.Nat Biotechnol. 2020 Aug;38(8):970-979. doi: 10.1038/s41587-020-0602-4
  •  Hayes A, Nguyen D, Andersson M, Antón A, Bailly JL, Beard S, Benschop KSM, Berginc N, Blomqvist S, Cunningham E, Davis D, Dembinski JL, Diedrich S, Dudman SG, Dyrdak R, Eltringham GJA, Gonzales-Goggia S, Gunson R, Howson-Wells HC, Jääskeläinen AJ, López-Labrador FX, Maier M, Majumdar M, Midgley S, Mirand A, Morley U, Nordbø SA, Oikarinen S, Osman H, Papa A, Pellegrinelli L, Piralla A, Rabella N, Richter J, Smith M, Söderlund Strand A, Templeton K, Vipond B, Vuorinen T, Williams C, Wollants E, Zakikhany K, Fischer TK, Harvala H, Simmonds P.J (2020) A European multicentre evaluation of detection and typing methods for human enteroviruses and parechoviruses using RNA transcripts.Med Virol. 2020 Aug;92(8):1065-1074
  • C. Schnurra, N. Reiners, R. Biemann, T. Kaiser, H. Trawinski, C. Jassoy (2020) Comparison of the diagnostic sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein and glycoprotein-based antibody tests. J. Clin. Virol. 129 (2020) 104544 (DOI:
  • P. Mertens, N. De Vos, D. Martiny, C. Jassoy, A. Mirazimi, L. Cuypers, S. van den Wijngaert, V. Monteil, P. Melin, K. Stoffels, N. Yin, D. Mileto, S. Delaunoy, H. Magein, K. Lagrou, J. Bouzet, G. Serrano, M. Wautier, T. Leclipteux, B. Gulbis, F. Brancart, F. Bry, B. Caninieaux, F. Corazza, F. Cotton, M. Dresselhuis, V. Mahadeb, O. Roels, J. Vanderlinden, M. van Ranst, O. Vandenberg (2020) Development and potential usefulness of the COVID-19 Ag Respi-Strip® diagnostic assay in a pandemic context. Front. Med. 2020. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2020.00225
  • C. Jassoy (2020): Orientierung in der medizinischen Forschung. Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr. 2020 145:47-55



  • Pietsch C and Liebert UG (2019) Genetic diversity of human parechoviruses in stool samples, Germany. Infect Genet Evol, 68, 280-285
  • Hönemann M, Martin D, Pietsch C, Maier M, Bergs S, Bieck E, Liebert UG (2019). Influenza B virus infections in Western Saxony, Germany in three consecutive seasons between 2015 and 2018: analysis of molecular and clinical features.​ Vaccine, 37(43), 6550-6557
  • Gelaw A, Pietsch C, Liebert UG (2019). Genetic Diversity of Human Adenovirus and Human Astrovirus ​among Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Northwest Ethiopia.​ Arch Virol, 164(12), 2985-2993
  • Gerhardt F, Maier M, Liebert UG, Platzbecker U, Wang SY, Papp CP, Bock CT, Berg T, van Bömmel F (2020) Early Detection of Hepatitis E Virus Ribavirin Resistance Using Next-Generation Sequencing. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2019 Dec 20;64(1):e01525-19​
  • Gelaw A, Pietsch C, Mann P, Liebert UG  (2019) Molecular detection and characterisation of sapoviruses and noroviruses in outpatient children with diarrhoea in Northwest Ethiopia, Epidemiol Infect, 147: e218
  • Krasselt M, Baerwald C, Liebert UG, Seifert O (2019) Humoral immunity to varicella zoster virus is altered in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Clin Rheumatol, 38(9):2493-2500
  • Schüttoff T, Adam A, Reiche S, Jassoy C (2019) Enhancing the concordance of two commercial dengue IgG ELISAs by exchange of the calibrator sample. J Clin Virol
  • Rahden P, Adam A, Mika A, Jassoy C. (2019) Elevated Human Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Seroprevalence in Khashm el Girba, Eastern Sudan. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1549-1551
  • Owczarek K, Chykunova Y, Jassoy C, Maksym B, Rajfur Z, Pyrc K (2019) Zika virus: mapping and reprogramming the entry. Cell Commun Signal, 17-41
  • Pietsch C, Liebert UG (2019). Intrahost viral evolution during chronic sapovirus infections. J Clin Virol, 113, 1-7.
  • Pietsch C, Liebert UG (2019). Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness in preventing hospitalizations due to gastroenteritis: a descriptive epidemiological study from Germany. Clin Microbiol Infect, 25(1), 102-106.
  • Mann P, Pietsch C, Liebert UG (2019). Genetic Diversity of Sapoviruses among Inpatients in Germany, 2008-2018 Viruses, 11, 726.
  • Caputo M, Raupach-Rosin H, Karch A, Borte M, Lehmann I, Liebert UG, Standl M, Heinrich J, Mikolajczyk RT (2019). Vaccinations and Infections Are Associated With Unrelated Antibody Titers: An Analysis From the German Birth Cohort Study LISA. Front Pediatr, 7, 254-.


  • ​Adam A, Schuttoff T, Reiche S, Jassoy C (2018). High seroprevalence of dengue virus indicates that dengue virus infections are frequent in central and eastern Sudan. Trop Med Int Health, 23(9), 960-967.
  • Zobel S, Lorenz M, Frascaroli G, Bohnke J, Bilz NC, Stanifer ML, Boulant S, Bergs S, Liebert UG, Claus C (2018). Rubella Virus Strain-Associated Differences in the Induction of Oxidative Stress Are Independent of Their Interferon Activation. Viruses, 10, 1-19.
  • Krater M, Sapudom J, Bilz NC, Pompe T, Guck J, Claus C (2018). Alterations in Cell Mechanics by Actin Cytoskeletal Changes Correlate with Strain-Specific Rubella Virus Phenotypes for Cell Migration and Induction of Apoptosis. Cells, 7, 1-18.
  • Bilz NC, Jahn K, Lorenz M, Ludtke A, Hubschen JM, Geyer H, Mankertz A, Hubner D, Liebert UG, Claus C (2018). Rubella Viruses Shift Cellular Bioenergetics to a More Oxidative and Glycolytic Phenotype with a Strain-Specific Requirement for Glutamine. J Virol, 92, 3212-3223.
  • Gelaw A, Pietsch C, Liebert UG (2018). Molecular epidemiology of rotaviruses in Northwest Ethiopia after national vaccine introduction. Infect Genet Evol, 65, 300-307.
  • Pietsch C, Ennuschat N, Hartel S, Liebert UG (2018). Within-host evolution of virus variants during chronic infection with novel GII.P26-GII.26 norovirus. J Clin Virol, 108, 96-102.
  • Pietsch C, Liebert UG (2018). Evidence for presumable feline origin of sporadic G6P[9] rotaviruses in humans. Infect Genet Evol, 63, 180-194.
  • Pietsch C, Liebert UG (2018). Molecular characterization of different equine-like G3 rotavirus strains from Germany. Infect Genet Evol, 57, 46-50.
  • Pietsch C, Trawinski H, Lubbert C, Liebert UG (2018). Short Communication: West Nile fever imported from Austria to Germany. Transbound Emerg Dis, 00, 00.
  • Belyhun Y, Liebert UG, Maier M (2018). Analysis of HBV basal core promoter/precore gene variability in patients with HBV drug resistance and HIV co-infection in Northwest Ethiopia. PLoS One, 13, e0191970-.
  • Belyhun Y, Moges F, Endris M, Asmare B, Amare B, Bekele D, Tesfaye S, Alemayehu M, Biadgelegne F, Mulu A, Assefa Y (2018). Ocular bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance patterns in patients attending Gondar Teaching Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. BMC Res Notes, 11, 597-603.
  • Huruy K, Mulu A, Liebert UG, Maier M (2018). HIV-1C proviral DNA for detection of drug resistance mutations. PLoS One, 13, e0205119; Eratum in PLoS One, 2018, 13, e0207079-.
  • Scheffler K, Claus C, Stanifer ML, Boulant S, Reibetanz U (2018). Reversible Fusion Proteins as a Tool to Enhance Uptake of Virus-Functionalized LbL Microcarriers. Biomacromolecules, 19, 3212-3223.
  • Schlottau K, Forth L, Angstwurm K, Hoper D, Zecher D, Liesche F, Hoffmann B, Kegel V, Seehofer D, Platen S, Salzberger B, Liebert UG, Niller HH, Schmidt B, Matiasek K, Riemenschneider MJ, Brochhausen C, Banas B, Renders L, Moog P, Wunderlich S, Seifert CL, Barreiros A, Rahmel A, Weiss J, Tappe D, Herden C, Schmidt-Chanasit J, Schwemmle M, Rubbenstroth D, Schlegel J, Pietsch C, Hoffmann D, Jantsch J and Beer M (2018). Fatal Encephalitic Borna Disease Virus 1 in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients. N Engl J Med, 379, 1377-1379
  • Baron U, Werner J, Schildknecht K, Schulze JJ, Mulu A, Liebert UG, Sack U, Speckmann C, Gossen M, Wong RJ, Stevenson DK, Babel N, Schurmann D, Baldinger T, Bacchetta R, Grutzkau A, Borte S, Olek S (2018). Epigenetic immune cell counting in human blood samples for immunodiagnostics. Sci Transl Med, 10, 00.
  • Harvala H, Broberg E, Benschop K, Berginc N, Ladhani S, Susi P, Christiansen C, McKenna J, Allen D, Makiello P, McAllister G, Carmen M, Zakikhany K, Dyrdak R, Nielsen X, Madsen T, Paul J, Moore C, von (2018). Recommendations for enterovirus diagnostics and characterisation within and beyond Europe. J Clin Virol, 101, 11-17.
  • Jassoy C (2018). Mehrere Kapitel in: Jassoy C, Schwarzkopf A, Hygiene, Infektiologie, Mikrobiologie (S. 32-38), Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag (40-46, 80-109, 254-259, 262-269, 330-341).


  • ​Claus C, Bergs S, Emmrich NC, Hubschen JM, Mankertz A, Liebert UG (2017). A sensitive one-step TaqMan amplification approach for detection of rubella virus clade I and II genotypes in clinical samples. Arch Virol, 162(2), 477-486.
  • Belyhun Y, Maier M, Liebert UG (2017). HIV therapy with unknown HBV status is responsible for higher rate of HBV genome variability in Ethiopia. Antivir Ther, 22(2), 97-111.
  • Hubner D, Jahn K, Pinkert S, Bohnke J, Jung M, Fechner H, Rujescu D, Liebert UG, Claus C (2017). Infection of iPSC Lines with Miscarriage-Associated Coxsackievirus and Measles Virus and Teratogenic Rubella Virus as a Model for Viral Impairment of Early Human Embryogenesis. ACS Infect Dis, 3(12), 886-897
  • Mulu A, Maier M, Liebert UG (2017). Upward trends of acquired drug resistances in Ethiopian HIV-1C isolates: A decade longitudinal study. PLoS One, 12(10), e0186619.
  • Belyhun Y, Liebert UG, Maier M (2017). Clade homogeneity and low rate of delta virus despite hyperendemicity of hepatitis B virus in Ethiopia. Virol J, 14(1), 176.
  • Friedrich S, Engelmann S, Schmidt T, Szczepankiewicz G, Bergs S, Liebert UG, Kummerer BM, Golbik RP, Behrens SE (2017). The Host Factor AUF1 p45 Supports Flavivirus Propagation by Triggering the RNA Switch Required for Viral Genome Cyclization. J Virol, 00, 00.
  • Hage E, Dhingra A, Liebert UG, Bergs S, Ganzenmueller T, Heim A (2017). Three novel, multiple recombinant types of species of human mastadenovirus D (HAdV-D 73, 74 & 75) isolated from diarrhoeal faeces of immunocompromised patients. J Gen Virol, 00, 00.
  • Navarro D, San-Juan R, Manuel O, Gimenez E, Fernandez-Ruiz M, Hirsch HH, Grossi PA, Aguado JM (2017). Cytomegalovirus infection management in solid organ transplant recipients across European centers in the time of molecular diagnostics: An ESGICH survey. Transpl Infect Dis, 19(6), 12773.
  • Hönemann M, Liebert UG (2017). 2.2 Für den Gastroenterologen wichtige virologische Verfahren, Präanalytik 8.3 Virale Durchfallerkrankungen 18 Gastrointestinale Manifestation von Herpesvirus-Infektionen (HSV, CMV) In: Lübbert C, Vogelmann R, Gastroenterologische Infektiologie. (S. 7-12,129-133, 243-24), Berlin: De Gruyter.


  • ​Adam A, Seidahmed OM, Weber C, Schnierle B, Schmidt-Chanasit J, Reiche S, Jassoy C (2016). Low Seroprevalence Indicates Vulnerability of Eastern and Central Sudan to Infection with Chikungunya Virus. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis, 16(4), 290-291.
  • Reibetanz U, Hubner D, Jung M, Liebert UG, Claus C (2016). Influence of Growth Characteristics of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells on Their Uptake Efficiency for Layer-by-Layer Microcarriers. ACS Nano, 10(7), 6563-6573.
  • Belyhun Y, Maier M, Mulu A, Diro E, Liebert UG (2016). Hepatitis viruses in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Infect Dis, 16(1), 761.
  • Remmerbach TW, Liese J, Krause S, Schiefke I, Schiefke F, Maier M, Liebert UG (2016). No association of oral lichen planus and hepatitis C virus infection in central Germany. Clin Oral Investig, 20(1), 193-197.
  • Friedrich S, Schmidt T, Schierhorn A, Lilie H, Szczepankiewicz G, Bergs S, Liebert UG, Golbik RP, Behrens SE (2016). Arginine methylation enhances the RNA chaperone activity of the West Nile virus host factor AUF1 p45. RNA, 22(10), 1574-1591.
  • Geyer H, Bauer M, Neumann J, Ludde A, Rennert P, Friedrich N, Claus C, Perelygina L, Mankertz A (2016). Gene expression profiling of rubella virus infected primary endothelial cells of fetal and adult origin. Virol J, 13, 21.
  • Gonzalez MD, Langley LC, Buchan BW, Faron ML, Maier M, Templeton K, Walker K, Popowitch EB, Miller MB, Rao A, Liebert UG, Ledeboer NA, Vinje J, Burnham CA (2016). Multicenter Evaluation of the Xpert Norovirus Assay for Detection of Norovirus Genogroups I and II in Fecal Specimens. J Clin Microbiol, 54(1), 142-147.
  • Wald A, Deterding L, Maier M, Liebert UG, Berg T, Wirtz H, Wiegand J (2016). Hepatitis B Vaccination in End-Stage Pulmonary Disease Patients Evaluated for Lung Transplantation: A Retrospective Single-Center Evaluation. Ann Transplant, 21, 368-372.
  • Kant J, Kratzsch J, Maier M, Liebert UG, Berg T, Wiegand J (2016). HBsAg and anti-HCV screening in elderly hospitalized patients of a German tertiary referral centre. Z Gastroenterol, 54(3), 231-237.


  • ​Reiche S, Dwai Y, Bussmann BM, Horn S, Sieg M, Jassoy C (2015). High Inter-Individual Diversity of Point Mutations, Insertions, and Deletions in Human Influenza Virus Nucleoprotein-Specific Memory B Cells. PLoS One, 10(6), e0128684.
  • Fiebig P, Shehata AA, Liebert UG (2015). Generation of monoclonal antibodies reactive against subtype specific conserved B-cell epitopes on haemagglutinin protein of influenza virus H5N1. Virus Res, 199, 46-55.
  • Huruy K, Maier M, Mulu A, Liebert UG (2015). Limited increase in primary HIV-1C drug resistance mutations in treatment naïve individuals in Ethiopia. J Med Virol, 87(6), 978-984.
  • Mulu A, Maier M, Liebert UG (2015). Low Incidence of HIV-1C Acquired Drug Resistance 10 Years after Roll-Out of Antiretroviral Therapy in Ethiopia: A Prospective Cohort Study. PLoS One, 10(10), e0141318.
  • Mulu A, Maier M, Liebert UG (2015). Lack of integrase inhibitors associated resistance mutations among HIV-1C isolates. J Transl Med, 13(1), 377-384.
  • Claus C, Manssen L, Hubner D, Rossmark S, Bothe V, Petzold A, Grosse C, Reins M, Mankertz A, Frey TK, Liebert UG (2015). Activation of the Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Platform during Rubella Virus Infection. Viruses, 7(12), 6108-6126.
  • Mulu A, Anagaw B, Gelaw A, Ota F, Kassu A, Yifru S (2015). Effect of deworming on Th2 immune response during HIV-helminths co-infection. J Transl Med, 13, 236.
  • Fichtner M, Claus C, Lessig-Owlanj J, Arnhold J, Reibetanz U (2015). The application of LbL-microcarriers for the treatment of chronic inflammation: monitoring the impact of LbL-microcarriers on cell viability. Macromol Biosci, 15(4), 546-557.
  • Poelman R, Schuffenecker I, Van Leer-Buter C, Josset L, Niesters HG, Lina B (2015). European surveillance for enterovirus D68 during the emerging North-American outbreak in 2014. J Clin Virol, 71, 1-9.
  • Syrbe S, Merkenschlager A, Bernhard MK, Grosche J, Liebert UG, Hirsch W, Hartig W (2015). Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome after adenovirus infection. Springerplus, 4, 636.
  • Hage E, Liebert UG, Bergs S, Ganzenmueller T, Heim A (2015). Human mastadenovirus type 70: a novel, multiple recombinant species D mastadenovirus isolated from diarrhoeal faeces of a haematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipient. J Gen Virol, 96(9), 2734-2742.
  • Zeller M, Heylen E, Damanka S, Pietsch C, Donato C, Tamura T, Kulkarni R, Arora R, Cunliffe N, Maunula L, Potgieter C, Tamim S, Coster SD, Zhirakovskaya E, Bdour S, O Shea H, Kirkwood CD, Seheri M, Ny (2015). Emerging OP354-Like P[8] Rotaviruses Have Rapidly Dispersed from Asia to Other Continents. Mol Biol Evol, 32(8), 2060-2071.


  • ​Mulu A, Maier M, Liebert UG (2014). Triple NF-kB binding sites and LTR sequence similarities in HIV-1C isolates irrespective of helminth co-infection. Parasit Vectors, 7(1), 204.
  • Mulu A, Lange T, Liebert UG, Maier M (2014). Clade homogeneity and Pol gene polymorphisms in chronically HIV-1 infected antiretroviral treatment naive patients after the roll out of ART in Ethiopia. BMC Infect Dis, 14, 158.
  • Mulu A, Liebert UG, Maier M (2014). Virological efficacy and immunological recovery among Ethiopian HIV-1 infected adults and children. BMC Infect Dis, 14, 28.
  • Claus C, Liebert UG (2014). A renewed focus on the interplay between viruses and mitochondrial metabolism. Arch Virol, 159(6), 1267-1277.
  • Reiche S, Nestler C, Sieg M, Schulz K, Cordes C, Krznaric I, Jassoy C (2014). Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific memory B-cell responses in transiently and chronically infected HIV positive individuals. J Clin Virol, 59(4), 218-222.
  • Mulu A, Kassu A, Legesse M, Erko B, Nigussie D, Shimelis T, Belyhun Y, Moges B, Ota F, Elias D (2014). Helminths and malaria co-infections are associated with elevated serum IgE. Parasit Vectors, 7, 240.
  • Biadglegne F, Belyhun Y, Ali J, Walle F, Gudeta N, Kassu A, Mulu A (2014). Does the practice of blood film microscopy for detection and quantification of malaria parasites in northwest Ethiopia fit the standard? BMC Health Serv Res, 14(1), 529.
  • Stoppe M, Thoma E, Liebert UG, Major EO, Hoffmann KT, Classen J, Then Bergh F (2014). Cerebellar manifestation of PML under fumarate and after efalizumab treatment of psoriasis. J Neurol, 261(5), 1021-1024.
  • Milbradt J, Kraut A, Hutterer C, Sonntag E, Schmeiser C, Ferro M, Wagner S, Lenac T, Claus C, Pinkert S, Hamilton ST, Rawlinson WD, Sticht H, Coute Y, Marschall M (2014). Proteomic analysis of the multimeric nuclear egress complex of human cytomegalovirus. Mol Cell Proteomics, 13(8), 2132-2146.
  • Friedrich S, Schmidt T, Geissler R, Lilie H, Chabierski S, Ulbert S, Liebert UG, Golbik RP, Behrens SE (2014). AUF1 p45 promotes West Nile virus replication by an RNA chaperone activity that supports cyclization of the viral genome. J Virol, 88(19), 11586-11599.
  • Biadglegne F, Mulu A, Rodloff AC, Sack U (2014). Diagnostic performance of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay for tuberculous lymphadenitis on fine needle aspirates from Ethiopia. Tuberculosis (Edinb), 94(5), 502-505.


  • ​Mulu A, Maier M, Liebert UG (2013). Deworming of intestinal helminths reduces HIV-1 subtype C viremia in chronically co-infected individuals. Int J Infect Dis, 17(10), 897-901.
  • Mulu A, Legesse M, Erko B, Belyhun Y, Nugussie D, Shimelis T, Kassu A, Elias D, Moges B (2013). Epidemiological and clinical correlates of malaria-helminth co-infections in Southern Ethiopia. Malar J, 12, 227.
  • Mulu A, Kassu A, Anagaw B, Moges B, Gelaw A, Alemayehu M, Belyhun Y, Biadglegne F, Hurissa Z, Moges F, Isogai E (2013). Frequent detection of 'azole' resistant Candida species among late presenting AIDS patients in northwest Ethiopia. BMC Infect Dis, 13, 82.
  • Claus C, Schonefeld K, Hubner D, Chey S, Reibetanz U, Liebert UG (2013). Activity increase in respiratory chain complexes by rubella virus with marginal induction of oxidative stress. J Virol, 87(15), 8481-8492.
  • Jehmlich U, Ritzer J, Grosche J, Hartig W, Liebert UG (2013). Experimental measles encephalitis in Lewis rats: dissemination of infected neuronal cell subtypes. J Neurovirol, 19(5), 461-470.
  • Maier M, Liebert UG, Wittekind C, Kaiser T, Berg T, Wiegand J (2013). Clinical Relevance of Minimal Residual Viremia during Long-Term Therapy with Nucleos(t)ide Analogues in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B. PLoS One, 8(6), e67481.
  • Kant J, Moller B, Heyne R, Herber A, Bohm S, Maier M, Liebert UG, Mossner J, Berg T, Wiegand J (2013). Evaluation of a rapid on-site anti-HCV test as a screening tool for hepatitis C virus infection. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 25(4), 416-420.
  • Biadglegne F, Tesfaye W, Anagaw B, Tessema B, Debebe T, Anagaw B, Mulu A, Sack U, Rodloff AC (2013). Tuberculosis lymphadenitis in Ethiopia. Jpn J Infect Dis, 66(4), 263-268.
  • Anagaw B, Gezachew M, Biadgelgene F, Anagaw B, Geleshe T, Taddese B, Getie B, Endris M, Mulu A, Unakal C (2013). Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Streptococcus pneumoniae over 6 years at Gondar University Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 3(7), 536-541.
  • Chabierski S, Makert GR, Kerzhner A, Barzon L, Fiebig P, Liebert UG, Papa A, Richner JM, Niedrig M, Diamond MS, Palu G, Ulbert S (2013). Antibody responses in humans infected with newly emerging strains of West Nile Virus in Europe. PLoS One, 8(6), e66507.


  • ​Gunther C, Laube M, Liebert UG, Kraft R (2012). Differential regulation of voltage-gated Ca2+ currents and metabotropic glutamate receptor activity by measles virus infection in rat cortical neurons. Neurosci Lett, 506(1), 17-21.
  • Claus C, Tzeng WP, Liebert UG, Frey TK (2012). Rubella virus-like replicon particles: analysis of encapsidation determinants and non-structural roles of capsid protein in early post-entry replication. J Gen Virol, 93(Pt3), 516-525.
  • Reiche S, Dwai Y, Jassoy C (2012). The influenza nucleoprotein-specific memory B-ell pool is composed of multiple clonotypes with little clonal hypermutation. Immunology, 137, 324-324.
  • Liebert UG (2012). Controversy on virus designation: Alkhumra sive Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever flavivirus. Intervirology, 55(4), 257-258.
  • Shehata AA, Fiebig P, Sultan H, Hafez M, Liebert UG (2012). Development of a recombinant ELISA using yeast (Pichia pastoris)-expressed polypeptides for detection of antibodies against avian influenza A subtype H5. J Virol Methods, 180(1-2), 18-25.


  • ​Kunz K, Reiche S, Dwai Y, Cordes C, Krznaric I, Bussmann BM, Jassoy C (2011). A Broad Spectrum of Functional HIV-Specific Memory B Cells in the Blood of Infected Individuals With High CD4+ T-Cell Counts. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 57(3), 56-58.
  • Pietsch C, Schuster V, Liebert UG (2011). A hospital based study on inter- and intragenotypic diversity of human rotavirus A VP4 and VP7 gene segments, Germany. J Clin Virol, 50(2), 136-141.
  • Chey S, Claus C, Liebert UG (2011). Improved method for simultaneous isolation of proteins and nucleic acids. Anal Biochem, 411(1), 164-166.
  • Abreha T, Woldeamanuel Y, Pietsch C, Maier M, Asrat D, Abebe A, Hailegiorgis B, Aseffa A, Liebert UG (2011). Genotypes and viral load of hepatitis C virus among persons attending a voluntary counseling and testing center in Ethiopia. J Med Virol, 83(5), 776-782.
  • Claus C, Chey S, Heinrich S, Reins M, Richardt B, Pinkert S, Fechner H, Gaunitz F, Schafer I, Seibel P, Liebert UG (2011). Involvement of p32 and microtubules in alteration of mitochondrial functions by rubella virus. J Virol, 85(8), 3881-3892.
  • Schneeweiss A, Chabierski S, Salomo M, Delaroque N, Al-Robaiy S, Grunwald T, Burki K, Liebert UG, Ulbert S (2011). A DNA vaccine encoding the E protein of West Nile virus is protective and can be boosted by recombinant domain DIII. Vaccine, 29(37), 6352-6357.
  • Karlas T, Hartmann J, Weimann A, Maier M, Bartels M, Jonas S, Mossner J, Berg T, Tillmann HL, Wiegand J (2011). Prevention of lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B recurrence after liver transplantation with entecavir plus tenofovir combination therapy and perioperative hepatitis B immunoglobulin only. Transpl Infect Dis, 13(3), 299-302.
  • Wiegand J, Brosteanu O, Kullig U, Wiese M, Berr F, Maier M, Tillmann HL, Schiefke I (2011). Quantification of HBsAg and HBV-DNA during therapy with peginterferon alpha-2b plus lamivudine and peginterferon alpha-2b alone in a German chronic hepatitis B cohort. Z Gastroenterol, 49(11), 1463-1469.


  • ​Reiche S, Bussmann BM, Dwai Y, Jassoy C (2010). Antibody-mediated binding of fluorescent HIV Gag and influenza nucleoprotein tetramers to blood cells. Immunobiology, 215(3), 223-229.
  • Bussmann BM, Reiche S, Bieniek B, Krznaric I, Ackermann F, Jassoy C (2010). Loss of HIV-specific memory B-cells as a potential mechanism for the dysfunction of the humoral immune response against HIV. Virology, 397(1), 7-13.
  • Chey S, Claus C, Liebert UG (2010). Validation and application of normalization factors for gene expression studies in rubella virus-infected cell lines with quantitative real-time PCR. J Cell Biochem, 110(1), 118-128.
  • Allmendinger J, Paradies F, Kamprad M, Richter T, Pustowoit B, Liebert UG (2010). Determination of rubella virus-specific cell-mediated immunity using IFN gamma-ELISpot. J Med Virol, 82(2), 335-340.
  • Pitak-Arnnop P, Schubert S, Dhanuthai K, Sappayatosok K, Bauer U, Ngamwannagul P, Liebert UG, Hemprich A (2010). Swine-origin H1N1 influenza A virus and dental practice: a critical review. Clin Oral Investig, 14(1), 11-17.
  • Frank H, Wittekind C, Liebert UG, Siekmeyer M, Siekmeyer W, Schuster V, Kiess W (2010). Lethal influenza B myocarditis in a child and review of the literature for pediatric age groups. Infection, 38(3), 231-235.
  • Basara N, Rasche FM, Schwalenberg T, Wickenhauser C, Maier M, Ivovic J, Niederwieser D, Lindner TH (2010). Hydronephrosis Resulting from Bilateral Ureteral Stenosis: A Late Complication of Polyoma BK Virus Cystitis? J Transplant, 2010, e297358.


  • ​Pietsch C, Petersen L, Patzer L, Liebert UG (2009). Molecular characteristics of German G8P[4] rotavirus strain GER1H-09 suggest that a genotyping and subclassification update is required for G8. J Clin Microbiol, 47(11), 3569-3576.
  • Pietsch C, Liebert UG (2009). Human infection with G12 rotaviruses, Germany. Emerg Infect Dis, 15(9), 1512-1515.
  • Borte S, Liebert UG, Borte M, Sack U (2009). Efficacy of measles, mumps and rubella revaccination in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis treated with methotrexate and etanercept. Rheumatology (Oxford), 48(2), 144-148.
  • Fenyo EM, Heath A, Dispinseri S, Holmes H, Lusso P, Zolla-Pazner S, Donners H, Heyndrickx L, Alcami J, Bongertz V, Jassoy C, Malnati M, Montefiori D, Moog C, Morris L, Osmanov S, Polonis V, Sattentau (2009). International network for comparison of HIV neutralization assays: the NeutNet report. PLoS One, 4(2), e4505.
  • Hartung R, Brosing A, Sczcepankiewicz G, Liebert UG, Hafner N, Durst M, Felbel J, Lassner D, Kohler JM (2009). Application of an asymmetric helical tube reactor for fast identification of gene transcripts of pathogenic viruses by micro flow-through PCR. Biomed Microdevices, 11(3), 685-692.
  • Grunewald S, Bodendorf M, Maier M, Simon JC, Paasch U (2009). Parietal scalp necrosis: an unusual manifestation of giant cell arteritis. Dermatology, 219(3), 282-284.
  • Liebert UG, Maier M, (2009). Virale Evolution - Koevolution von Virus und Wirt. In: Beck-Sickinger A, Petzoldt M, Paradigma Evolution - Chancen und Grenzen eines Erklärungsmusters. (S. 87-104), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissens. ISBN: 978-3-631-56082-2
  • Maier M, Liebert UG (2009). Paramyxoviren. In: Neumeister B, Geiss H, Braun R, Kimmig P, Mikrobiologische Diagnostik: Bakteriologie - Mykologie - Virologie - Parasitologie. (S. 913-927), Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag KG. ISBN: 978-3-137-43602-7


  • ​Gruschke S, Bussmann BM, Reiche S, Jassoy C (2008). Peptides from the SARS-associated coronavirus as tags for protein expression and purification. Protein Expr Purif, 61(2), 138-141.
  • Horn LC, Liebert UG, Edelmann J, Höckel M, Einenkel J (2008). Adenoid squamous carcinoma (pseudoangiosarcomatous carcinoma) of the vulva: a rare but highly aggressive variant of squamous cell carcinoma-report of a case and review of the literature. Int J Gynecol Pathol, 27(2), 288-291.
  • Hollenbach M, Hintersdorf A, Huse K, Sack U, Bigl M, Groth M, Santel T, Buchold M, Lindner I, Otto A, Sicker D, Schellenberger W, Almendinger J, Pustowoit B, Birkemeyer C, Platzer M, Oerlecke I, Hemda (2008). Ethyl pyruvate and ethyl lactate down-regulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and modulate expression of immune receptors. Biochem Pharmacol, 76(5), 631-644.
  • Engelhardt J, Hügle B, Bigl A, Maier M, Liebert UG, Strehlau J, Schuster V (2008). Chronische Hepatitis C im Kindesund Jugendlichenalter - Ist die Kombination von pegyliertem Interferon alfa-2 plus Ribavirin zukünftig die Therapie der Wahl? Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 8(8), 512-514.
  • Lobstein S, Kaiser T, Liebert U, Wojan M, Leichtle A, Mossner J, Wiegand J, Tillmann HL (2008). Prevalence, aetiology and associated co-morbidities of elevated aminotransferases in a german cohort of orthopaedic surgery patients. Z Gastroenterol, 46(5), 415-420.
  • Tillmann HL, Jassoy C (2008). Virale Erkrankungen der Leber im weiteren Sinne. In: Riemann JF, Fischbach W, Galle PR, Mössner J, Gastroenterologie in Klinik und Praxis. (S. 1331-1335), Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 
  • Andreae S, Avelini P, Berg M, Blank I, Burk A, Dierolf A, Dockter G, Dold C, Evers M, Fath R, Fixl H, Flüeck S, Gehrke B, Gießen-Scheidel M, Graf N, Häfner R, Hecker RM, Henn W, Jassoy C, Kampe C, Zin (2008). Lexikon der Krankheiten und Untersuchungen. In: Andreae et al., Lexikon der Krankheiten und Untersuchungen. (S. insg. 44 S), Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 
  • Andreae S, Avelini P, Berg M, Blank I, Burk A, Dierolf A, Dockter G, Dold C, Evers M, Fath R, Fixl H, Flüeck S, Gehrke B, Gießen-Scheidel M, Graf N, Häfner R, Hecker RM, Henn W, Jassoy C, Kampe C, Zin (2008). Medizinwissen von A-Z In: Andreae et al., Medizinwissen von A-Z (S. insg. 44 S), Stuttgart: Trias Verlag.


  • ​Hoheisel G, Luk WK, Winkler J, Wirtz H, Gillissen A, Hui DS, Liebert UG (2007). [Avian influenza and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) - experiences and perspectives] Pneumologie, 61(1), 41-45.
  • Claus C, Tzeng WP, Liebert UG, Frey TK (2007). Rubella virus-induced superinfection exclusion studied in cells with persisting replicons. J Gen Virol, 88(10), 2769-2773.
  • Claus C, Tzeng WP, Liebert UG, Frey TK (2007). Analysis of the selective advantage conferred by a C-E1 fusion protein synthesized by rubella virus DI RNAs. Virology, 369(1), 19-34.
  • Ganepola S, Gentilini C, Hilbers U, Lange T, Rieger K, Hofmann J, Maier M, Liebert UG, Niederwieser D, Engelmann E, Heilbronn R, Thiel E, Uharek L (2007). Patients at high risk for CMV infection and disease show delayed CD8+ T-cell immune recovery after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant, 39(5), 293-299.
  • Freudenberger T, Jassoy C, Köther I, Reinbolt B, Said C, Schwarzkopf A, Sirsch E, Sitzmann F (2007). Pflege und Begleitung alter Menschen mit Infektionskrankheiten. In: Köther I, Thiemes Altenpflege. (S. 454-497), Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.


  • ​Claus C, Hofmann J, Ueberla K, Liebert UG (2006). Rubella virus pseudotypes and a cell-cell fusion assay as tools for functional analysis of the rubella virus E2 and E1 envelope glycoproteins. J Gen Virol, 87(10), 3029-37.
  • Racek T, Jarmy G, Jassoy C (2006). Induction of Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses in Mice by HIV-Derived Infectious Pseudovirions. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 22(11), 1162-1166.
  • Bussmann BM, Reiche S, Jacob LH, Braun JM, Jassoy C (2006). Antigenic and cellular localisation analysis of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid protein using monoclonal antibodies. Virus Res, 122, 119-126.
  • Scheller C, Knoferle J, Ullrich A, Prottengeier J, Racek T, Sopper S, Jassoy C, Rethwilm A, Koutsilieri E (2006). Caspase inhibition in apoptotic T cells triggers necrotic cell death depending on the cell type and the proapoptotic stimulus. J Cell Biochem, 97(6), 1350-1361.
  • Wiegand J, Kaiser T, Lobstein S, Brand F, Wojan M, Stölzel U, Liebert UG, Mössner J, Tillmann HL (2006). Low Prevalence of Chronic Hepatitis C, but High Prevalence of Elevated Aminotransferases in a Cohort of 2026 Patients Referred for Orthopaedic Surgery in the Eastern Part of Germany Z Gastroenterol, 44(1), 11-14.
  • Horn LC, Lindner K, Szepankiewicz G, Edelmann J, Hentschel B, Tannapfel A, Bilek K, Liebert UG, Richter CE, Einenkel J, Leo C (2006). p16, p14, p53, and Cyclin D1 Expression and HPV Analysis in Small Cell Carcinomas of the Uterine Cercix Int J Gynecol Pathol, 25(2), 182-186.
  • Horn L-C, Richter CE, Einenkel J, Tannapfel A, Liebert UG, Leo C (2006). p16, p14, p53, cyclin D1, and steroid hormone receptor expression and human papillomaviruses analysis in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the endometrium Ann Diagn Pathol, 10(4), 193-196.
  • Dietrich A, Becherer L, Brinckmann U, Hauss J, Liebert UG, Gutz A, Aust G (2006). Particle-mediated cytokine gene therapy leads to antitumor and antimetastatic effects in mouse carcinoma models. Cancer Biother Radiopharm, 21(4), 333-341.
  • Hoheisel G, Luk WK, Winkler J, Gillissen A, Wirtz H, Liebert UG, Hui DS (2006). [Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)] Med Klin (Munich), 101(12), 957-963.
  • Reibetanz U, Claus C, Typlt E, Hofmann J, Donath E (2006). Defoliation and plasmid delivery with layer-by-layer coated colloids. Macromol Biosci, 6(2), 153-160.


  • ​Hofmann J, Liebert UG (2005). Significance of avidity and immunoblot analysis for rubella IgM-positive serum samples in pregnant women. J Virol Methods, 130, 66-71.
  • Handrick W, Müller H, Menzel G, Lietz R, Liebert UG (2005). Akute periphere Fazialisparese - eine Übersicht. Mikrobiologe, 15(5), 166-171.
  • Fischlechner M, Zschornig O, Hofmann J, Donath E (2005). Engineering Virus Functionalities on Colloidal Polyelectrolyte Lipid Composites. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 44(19), 2892-2895.
  • Demir E, Liebert UG, Soylemezoglu F, Yalaz K, Kose G, Anlar B (2005). Childhood case of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with improved clinical outcome. J Child Neurol, 20(3), 241-244.
  • Franke H, Klimke K, Brinckmann U, Grosche J, Francke M, Sperlagh B, Reichenbach A, Liebert UG, Illes P (2005). P2X(7) receptor-mRNA and -protein in the mouse retina; changes during retinal degeneration in BALBCrds mice. Neurochem Int, 47(4), 235-242.
  • Fedorova NE, Medschidova MG, Voronzova ON, Degtjarev DN, Pustowoit B, Asadi Mobarchan SM, Samatova MM, Kuschtsch AA, Volodin NN (2005). [Quantitative laboratory methods for the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in premature infants] Vopr virusol, 1,9-14.
  • Aljamovskaja GA, Keschischjtschan ES, Abieva SM, Medschidova NE, Fedorova NE, Pustowoit B, Malachova MW, Iljina EI, Govorin WM, Kuschtsch AA (2005). [Detection of direct markers of cytomegalovirus. Research of the spectrum and avidity of antiviral antibodies in infants and preschool children] Vopr virusol, 1, 14-19.
  • Freudenberger T, Jassoy C, Köther I, Reinbott C, Said C, Schwarzkopf A, Sirsch E, Sitzmann F (2005). Pflege und Begleitung alter Menschen mit Infektionskrankheiten. In: Köther I, Thiemes Altenpflege. (S. 454-497), Stuttgart: Georg-Thieme-Verlag. 
  • Jassoy C, Schwarzkopf A (2005). Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Ernährungslehre für Pflegeberufe. In: Jassoy C, Schwarzkopf A, Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Ernährungslehre für Pflegeberufe., Stuttgart: Georg-Thieme-Verlag.


  • Remmerbach TW, Brinckmann UG, Hemprich A, Chekol M, Kuhndel K, Liebert UG (2004). PCR detection of human papillomavirus of the mucosa: comparison between MY09/11 and GP5+/6+ primer sets. J Clin Virol, 30(4), 302-308.
  • Remmerbach TW, Mathes SN, Weidenbach H, Hemprich A, Bocking A (2004). [Noninvasive brush biopsy as an innovative tool for early detection of oral carcinomas] Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir, 8(4), 229-236.
  • Schiefke I, Klecker C, Maier M, Oesen U, Etzrodt G, Tannapfel A, Liebert UG, Berr F (2004). Sequential combination therapy of HBe antigen-negative/virus-DNA-positive chronic hepatitis B with famciclovir or lamivudine and interferon-alpha-2a. Liver Int, 24(2), 98-104.
  • Liebert UG Manifestationen bei Virusinfektionen; Masernvirus (Paramyxoviridae - Morbillivirus); Parainfluenzaviren (Paramyxoviridae); Respiratory-Syncytial-Virus (RSV) (Paramyxoviridae - Pneumovirinae); Rötelnvirus (Togaviridae - Rubivirus) Diagnostik und Therapie von Viruskrankheiten. Leitlinien der Gesellschaft für Virologie (eds. Mertens T., Haller O., Klenk H.-D.) Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer Verlag, München, 2004, pp. 2-31, 197-205, 211-215, 253-259, 268-274. ISBN 3-437-21971-5.
  • Liebert UG (2004). Paramyxoviridae, Mumpsvirus, Respiratory-Syncytial-Viren (RS-Viren)  In: Adam D, Doerr HW, Link H, Lode H, Die Infektiologie (S. 838-844), Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-540-00075-5 
  • Jassoy C (2004). HIV-Impfstoffentwicklung (Kapitel II-2.5) In: Jäger H, AIDS und HIV-Infektionen (S. 1-12), Landsberg/Lech: Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft. 
  • Pustowoit B (2004). Rubellavirus In: Adam D, Doerr HW, Link H, Lode H, Die Infektiologie (S. 825-828), Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag.


  • Scheller C, Sopper S, Koutsilieri E, Ludwig S, ter Meulen V, Jassoy C (2003). Caspase inhibitors as a supplement in immune activation therapies to achieve eradication of HIV in its latent reservoirs Ann NY Acad Sci, 1010, 209-212.
  • Hofmann J., Renz M., Meyer S., von Haeseler A., Liebert UG Phylogenetic analysis of rubella virus including new genotype I isolates. Virus Res. 2003, 96:123-128.
  • Pletz M.W.R., Liebert UG, Hofmann J. Apoptose - Bedeutung für die Pathogenese des kongenitalen Rötelnsyndroms? Chemotherapie Journal, 2003, 2:51-56.
  • Teich N., Tannapfel A., Ammon A., Ruf B.R., Van der Poel  W.H.M., Mössner J., Liebert UG Sporadische akute Hepatitis E in Deutschland: eine zu selten erkannte Erkrankung? Gastroenterologie. 2003, 41:419-423.
  • Handrick W., Liebert UG Herpes-simplex-Virus-Infektionen. Handbuch der Kinderintensivmedizin (ed. Lietz R., Brömme W., Bennek J.) Thieme Verlag. 2003, pp.489-497.
  • Dietrich A., Kraus K., Brinckmann U., Stockmar C., Müller A., Liebert UG, Schönfelder M. Antitumoral and antimetastatic effects of continuous particle-mediated cytokine gene therapy. Recent Results Cancer Res. 2003, 162:157-168.
  • Banning U., Mauz-Körholz C., Liebert UG, Lange T., Niederwieser D., Körholz D. Fatal hemorrhagic cystitis after autologous stem cell transplantation for relapsed Ewing´s tumour. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. 2003
  • Hoheisel G., Lange S., Winkler J., Rodloff A.C., Liebert UG, Niederwieser D., Schauer J., Engelmann L. Nosokomiale Pneumonien bei malignen hämatologischen Erkrankungen in der internistischen Intensivmedizin. Pneumologie, 2003, 57:73-77.


  • Liebert UG Resistenz, Immunabwehr und Pathogenese. Medizinische Virologie (ed. Gerlich W.M., Doerr H.W.) Thieme. 2002, Kap.3:29-41. ISBN 3-13-113961-7
  • Hofmann J., Liebert UG Aktuelle Aspekte der Rötelndiagnostik. Dade Behring News, 2002, 2:22-25.
  • Handrick W., Bierbach U., Nenoff P., Liebert UG Eczema herpeticatum bei einem Kleinkind mit atopischem Ekzem. Kinder- u. Jugendmedizin, 2002, 1:10-12.
  • Dietrich A., Kraus K., Brinckmann UG, Friedrich T., Müller A., Liebert UG, Schönfelder M. Complex cancer gene therapy in mice melanoma. Langenbecks Arch. Surg. 2002, 387:177-182.
  • Böttner A., Daneschnejad S., Handrick W., Schuster V., Liebert UG, Kiess W. A season of aseptic meningitis in Germany: epidemiologic, clinical and diagnostic aspects. Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J., 2002, 21:1126-1132.


  • Liebert UG, Slow and persistent virus infections of neurones – a comprise for neuronal survival. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol, 2001, 253: 35–60.


  • Wiedmann M., Liebert UG, Oesen U., Porst H., Wiese M., Schroeder S., Halm U., Mössner J., Berr F. Decreased immunogenicity of recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine in chronic Hepatitis C. Hepatology, 2000, 31:230–234.
  • Stahl H.-D., Hubner B., Seidl B., Liebert UG, van der Heijden I.M., Wilbrink B., Kraan M.C., Emmrich F., Tak P.P. Detection of multiple viral DNA species in synovial tissue and fluid of patients with early arthritis. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 2000, 59:342 – 346.
  • Stahl H.-D., Seidl B., Hubner B., Altrichter S., Pfeiffer R., Pustowoit B., Liebert UG, Hofmann J., von Salis-Soglio G., Emmrich F. High incidence of parvovirus B19 DNA in synovial tissue of patients with undifferentiated mono-and oligoarthritis. Clin. Rheumatol. 2000, 19:281-286.
  • Hofmann J. Kortung M., Pustowoit B., Faber R., Piskazeck U., Liebert UG Persistent fetal rubella vaccine virus infection following inadvertent vaccination during early pregnancy. J. Med. Virol. 2000, 61:155–158.
  • Hofmann J., Gerstenberger S., Lachmann I., Atreya C.D., Liebert UG Rubella virus nonstructural protein 2 is a minor immunogen. Virus Res. 2000, 68:155–160.


  • ​J. Hofmann, Pletz M.W.R., Liebert UG Rubella virus-induced cytopathic effect in vitro is caused by apoptosis. J. Gen. Virol. 1999, 80:1657– 1664.
  • Handrick W., Hunkert F., Lietz R., Liebert UG et al. Virusmeningitis; Epstein-Barr-Virus-Infektionen; Herpes simplex-Virus-Infektionen; Varizellen und Herpes zoster, Pädiatrie in Schlagworten. 2nd ed. (ed. Hoepffner W.) Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag, Heidelberg, 1999, pp. 356-365. ISBN 3-8304-5015-X


  • Rieske K., Domula M., Liebert UG, Grulich S., Handrick W., Bierbach U., Lenk H. Zur Klinik und Epidemiologie der Hepatitis C bei immunsupprimierten Kindern mit vorwiegend onkologischen Erkrankungen. Klin Padiatr., 1998, 210:274-278.
  • Pustowoit B., Liebert UG Predictive value of serological tests in rubella virus infection during pregnancy. Intervirology, 1998, 41: 170–177.
  • Liebert UG Viruses and pregnancy. Intervirology, 1998, 41:145–148.


  • Rima B.K, Earle J.A.P., Baczko K., ter Meulen V., Liebert UG, Carstens C., Carabaña J., Caballero M., Celma M.L., Fernandez-Muñoz R. Sequence divergence of measles virus hemagglutinin during natural evolution and adaptation to cell culture. J. Gen. Virol. 1997, 78:97-106.
  • Liebert UG Measles virus infections of the central nervous system, Intervirology, 1997, 40:176-184.
  • Schneider-Schaulies J., Liebert UG, Dörries R., ter Meulen V. Establishment and control of viral infections of the CNS. Immunology of the Nervous System (eds. Kearne R.W., Hickey W.) University Press, Oxford, 1997, chapter 14, pp.576-610.


  • Poller W., Schneider-Rasp S., Liebert UG, Merklein F., Thalheimer P., Haack A., Schwaab R., Schmitt C., Brackmann H.H. Stabilization of transgene expression by incorporation of E3 region genes into an adenoviral factor IX vector and by transient anti-CD4 treatment of the host. Gene Therapie, 1996, 3: 521-530.
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