You are here: Skip Navigation LinksInstitute of Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy Research



​Patients at all levels of care in inpatient and outpatient settings, including interface care, are the focus of our research. Clinical pharmacy forms the bridge from basic research in the natural sciences to application-oriented drug research. There is close cooperation with other disciplines of pharmacy, medicine, nursing sciences, midwifery and life sciences.​

Cooperation in profile-forming areas

Clinical Pharmacy is involved in the strategic research field SUSTAINABLE FOUNDATIONS FOR LIFE AND HEALTH and in the research profile area CIVILIZATION DISEASES. Clinical Pharmacy is involved in collaborative projects, for example, funded by EU funds or by the Innovation Fund of the Joint Federal Committee. In addition, Clinical Pharmacy collaborates with "LIFE(-Child) – Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases" in the field of pharmacoepidemiology (drug therapy).​

Research focus

The focus is on optimizing patient:internal safety in drug therapy. To optimize drug therapy safety (AMTS), therapies are individualized on the basis of possible predictors, biomarkers and laboratory values, thereby measurably improving efficacy at the patient level and minimizing drug risks. Particular emphasis is placed on palliative care, patients requiring intensive care, the interface between outpatient and inpatient care (interface care, integrated care), and particularly sensitive patient populations such as children and adolescents as well as elderly patients.​

Drug-related risks are systematically detected and characterized using scientific methods (e.g. decision matrix models), and targeted intervention strategies are derived from this for the benefit of patients, relatives, physicians, nursing staff, payers (health insurance funds) and the healthcare system as a whole. These intervention strategies are bundled into overall concepts that include various methods and procedures. Examples of such instruments are structured activities of pharmacists on the ward, electronic drug information technologies, medication management in close cooperation with general practitioners and specialists in private practice, or training measures, for example for nursing staff, patients or relatives.​


In terms of methodology, models for dose calculations (individual patient data, population data), information technologies and methods, in particular of pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, compliance (adherence) research, didactics, psychology, public health, health services research and biometrics are applied in interdisciplinary collaboration with other disciplines within and outside pharmacy. In prospective clinical intervention studies and pharmacoepidemiological studies, these methods are investigated in a targeted manner on focus stations and in larger populations.​


The aim of these projects is to use pharmacotherapies developed in preclinical and clinical development with an innovative effect and good efficacy under routine conditions with the best possible effectiveness and optimal risk-benefit balance individualized to the individual patient. In this way, the benefit for patients is increased while risks are reduced. Pharmacotherapies are prescribed and applied more effectively and available financial resources are used more efficiently with the best possible benefit for patients.

Brüderstraße 34, ground floor
04103 Leipzig
+49 341 - 97 11800
+49 341 - 97 11813