Prömel Lab

All multicellular organisms are highly dependent on the capacity developed by their cells to communicate with each other and with their environment. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a central role in controlling this communication. These seven transmembrane receptors regulate numerous physiological mechanisms in health and disease and thus, bear an immense pharmacological potential. One class of to date enigmatic GPCRs are Adhesion GPCRs (aGPCRs). Despite their essential functions in processes such as neurobiology, immunology or development and their unique architecture facilitating cell and matrix interactions, Adhesion GPCRs are by far the most poorly understood receptor class.

Our group is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying Adhesion GPCR activation and activity and how these are translated into physiological function in development or metabolic processes. How do Adhesion GPCRs function in a physiological context? Which molecular mechanisms are required? We use the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans and the mouse as model organisms as well as various cell culture models to address these questions and to link physiological functions with molecular mechanisms.​

For further information, please visit the following website: Universität D​üsseldorf: Zellbiologie (


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04103 Leipzig
+49 341 - 97 22150
+49 341 - 97 22159