The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the municipal hospital ("Städtisches Klinikum") Dresden offers three options of care for all types of mental disorders: outpatient care, day clinic care (20 places) and inpatient care (108 beds). Treatment for all mental disorders are provided, with a focus on:
- Affective disorders, especially chronic and therapy resistant depression (ECT, VNS, CBASP)
- Anxiety disorders and OCD
- Dementia, other organic mental disorders
- Substance Abuse disorders, specialized in alcohol dependency ("S1-treatment")
- Psychotic disorders and differentiated diagnostics of schizophrenic psychoses
- Personality disorders, especially borderline disorder (DBT)
In cooperation with other hospitals and institutions (Dresden University Clinic, University of Würzburg, University of Strasbourg, F), the department participates in research on:
- Suicide prevention
- Addiction
- Mental health care
- Schizophrenia research
Head of Dpt.: Prof. Dr. med. Burkhard Jabs

Fotos: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Jabs / Städtisches Klinikum Dresden